Shipping & Return policy
– For domestic shipping, shipping choice will be shown during checkout.
– For international shipping, please contact via email at or customer service +628119512124 to get a quote.
– After payment is received, please allow us to ship maximum 2 working days from then. Delivery time will depends of the shipping agent.
– We do not guarantee that the products will be received on the exact time mentioned by the shipping agent. As many factors may cause delay such as incomplete address, nobody to accept the package, or force major.
– We will send an email confirmation and the tracking number (if available) once the products are on their way to your address. Please contact us if you need further assistance.
– We do not ship during holidays. Please note all purchases made during Saturday, Sunday, Public holidays and announced holidays, will be processed in the next working day.
– We will not be responsible for products that arrive defected caused by the shipping agent.
– Please report to us for within 2×24 hours upon received of package if you have any complains that are purely factory defects.
– All complains require pictures to proof the defects mentioned.
– We do not provide cash refund. We will resend products that are reported defect only.
Pengiriman & Pengembalian
– Untuk pengiriman dalam negeri, pilihan pengiriman akan muncul saat akan check out.
– Untuk pengiriman luar negeri, silakan kontak atau customer service +628119512124 untuk mendapatkan harga.
– Kami tidak memberikan garansi produk akan sampai sesuai dengan waktu yang diperkirakan oleh ekspedisi. Hal ini bisa karena beberapa faktor seperti alamat yang kurang lengkap, tidak ada yang menerima paket, atau force majeur.
– Kami akan mengirimkan email konfirmasi dan nomor resi (jika memungkinkan) ketika barang telah dikirim ke alamat Anda. Silakan hubungi kami jika Anda butuh bantuan.
– Tidak ada pengiriman di hari libur. Order yang masuk di hari Sabtu, Minggu, dan di Hari Besar lainnya akan diproses di hari berikutnya.
– Kami tidak bertanggungjawab atas kerusakan barang yang terjadi selama proses pengiriman.
– Untuk kerusakan manufaktur atau dari pabrik, silakan membuat laporan kerusakan produk paling lambat 2×24 jam setelah produk diterima.
– Semua bentuk kerusakan harus disertai dengan bukti berupa foto atau video.
– Kami tidak melayani pengembalian uang, segala bentuk kerusakan akan diganti dengan produk yang sama.